CD Review Blue Book of Storyville. The Syncopated Times by Joe Bebco

Blue book of Storyville

The Blue Book of Storyville by Don Vappie Listen and buy The Blue Book of Storyville HEREe/ Don Vappie, who is interviewed in this issue, has had a long career for a man of 64. He drifted into traditional jazz from other styles of New Orleans music and by the ’80s was recording as […]

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CD Review in Gazette Bleu for Blue Book of Storyville.

Blue book of Storyville

Gazette Bleu review Check out the album HERE N’oublie jamais ceci : jouer du jazz, c’est comme raconter une histoire » : Est-ce que que Don Vappie avait un livre de Maxence Fermine dans ses bagages pendant l’enregistrement de ce nouveau disque ? Peut-être, ce qui est sûr, c’est que le musicien originaire de […]

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